Is it time to sell your home and search for a new one? Homeowners have been residing in their current properties for approximately ten years, according to recent surveys. When you get to the five-year mark, it is time to evaluate your needs. Those living in the home should understand what is holding you back from selling. Many choose to stay put due to financial reasons, career life, or family. Enjoying a long life in one home sounds ideal for some but is not desirable for many. For those who feel stuck yet want to move, let’s talk about a few helpful tips.
Work and home life adjustments cause decision-making to fluctuate. Accepting a job in a new area with a farther drive or working remotely for good does shift perspective on the meaning of home. Others sell their property because fewer people live in the house than once before. Having a multi-level townhome may be the best bet now, but as time goes by a cozy condo may be a viable option. A primary benefit of homeownership is accumulating home equity. Equity plus low mortgage rates have residents thinking twice about their future abode. Downsizing or upsizing hold opportunities in the Philadelphia market.
The neighborhood is also a factor of change. Different city areas have different styles, food selections and demographics. Do not be discouraged if you once loved the crowds of city life yet now want a quieter home life within the city. Resisting change will only hold you back. Decide what is best for the next five to ten years. Once you are ready, I will list the home with my seller’s marketing plan and help you buy another home in the city. As a Philadelphia resident myself, I see neighborhoods evolve every several years.